Friday, March 25, 2011

More Cards

I'm inspired, this week, by cars that don't work.

[I'm sorry about your awful car]

[So does your car]

And I threw this in when I was feeling some cuteness.

There were more, but they're not as cute!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

LENT! Started yesterday...

I am attempting 2 promises for Lent.
Most importantly: to not be such a feisty brat.
And most fun:
I am going to make a greeting card every single say, and at the 40th I will feel like I have enough to start an Etsy shop--I've been wanting to start for way too long!

I didn't post anything yesterday because I was so busy not being a feisty brat all day that I needed to go to bed at 7pm.

Here's what I've done so far!

I made this one yesterday in honor of Lent itself, and with Jesus in mind. It's blank because...I don't know what to say to Jesus on Ash Wednesday.
thinking of you
[Inspired and in memory of Chris and Tori]


The front is a little illustration cut out of a vintage childrens' book called, "The Day the TV Blew Up."

[Inspired by how cuddly I've been feeling on this dreary, rainy day.]


This one was inspired by the song "Creep" by The Lonely Island.

[The picture of the inside won't upload!]

It says:

"Just wanted to say Hi."


More to come everyday until Easter!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's about time for Valentine Cookies

[I've been really bad and there is no reason that I've waited over a week to post these cookie pictures!]

My only Valentiney cookie cutter is a big heart, which I love. But I needed more than heart shaped cookies. Nothing says love better than random kissing animals!
I had chicks, fish, and butterflies.
The fish were so stubborn. Bunch of prudes.

I was in love with these 1/2 moon cookies.
[They're Valentiney because they're perfect to share with your little sweetheart if he's not on some jerk-diet. (Which mine wasn't, for once, thank God.)]
I also fell in love with the colors here!!
I am all about NEON food coloring.
Brightness makes cookies more delightful.

Then I built some couples holding mitten hands...

Boy <3 href="">Girl <3 href="">Boy <3 Boy turtles is what this one reminds me of for some reason.


Most importantly, when you are baking heart cookies, you better be wearing your cute little heart belt. It's March now.
The End.