The moon could fit in the trunk of this car.
Or any car.
[Such as my own.]
But I think mine has a whole bunch of junk in it. Shoot.
Or any car.
[Such as my own.]
But I think mine has a whole bunch of junk in it. Shoot.
My own records show that I ceased to exist in 2010. I have ZERO journal entries, limited photos--I'm really lacking evidence all around.

I know that I'm exactly a year behind right now, but this pictures are too messed up to pass up. They represent the night so well! I took them all while sitting in my car, off Monroe Ave., waiting for Vince and Casey to grab some take-out garbage plates. I wasn't hungry that day.
It worked out amazingly, though, because my sucks-at-taking-pictures-at-night camera LIGHTS THINGS UP! It's somewhere around midnight in all of these pictures. But there is so much yellow.
I was too bummed to participate in New Year activities... Observing worked out just fine though. It's good to be still sometimes.
Especially with all this yellow sneaking up behind me! Yes!
[cute red buick--rip mr. bonky; buick lesavestheday]
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